Stilettos Ride for ALS

Stilettos Ride for ALS

  Phone: (+1) 715-204-5440   Address: 707 16th St Mosinee, WI - 54455, US

Stilettos Ride for ALS is an annual motorcycle fundraiser ride. We raise funds for the ALS Association. (

For those of you that are new I wanted to take a minute to explain how this ride, Stilettos Ride for ALS, came to fruition.  In 1995 I lost my biological dad to ALS, I was 16. I had no idea what this disease was or why my dad got it. Fast forward to 2014 – my brain started moving to the “how can I make a difference for ALS” after doing and donating to the Ice Bucket Challenge. That event raised $115 MILLION dollars and dramatically accelerated the fight against ALS. Well fast forward again to when I started attending all these fun rides, for charity… it dawned on me that this just might be the way to do it. I reached out to the ALS Association in WI after the Waupaca ALS charity ride broke up and asked them how I would go about starting this in my area. I worked for a little over a year with the Association and the Stilettos Ride for ALS was born. With the backing of the ALS Association in 2019 we had our first event. 

So, what is ALS you ask, well ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease is a rare neurological disease that affects the motor neurons – those nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement. There is no cure for ALS, which is where we come in. The ALS association is the world’s leading ALS organization, made up of volunteers who are living with ALS, loved ones, caregivers, advocates, and dedicated staff. Our goal is to make ALS livable for everyone, everywhere, until we can cure it. For people living with ALS, livable means: longer lives, better quality of life and loved ones prevented from getting ALS. 

Message to Supporters:

So, as we go out and ride the route chosen each year remember, your generous support has helped us dramatically accelerate the fight against ALS, resulting in new ALS treatments, new ALS genes being discovered, and global research collaborations. Your support helps us ensure that people living with ALS and their loved ones are better able to take on the physical, emotional, and financial harms that come from this devastating disease. Your support is ending the status quo of ALS. Bottom Line: You are funding change.

Interested in supporting us? We are always seaching for annual sponsors, contact us today!

Stilettos Ride for ALS - 2024 Cost - $25

Venue - Hog Creek Bar & Grill, 1303 W State Hwy 153, Mosinee, WI 54455

Timing - August 03, 2024 @ 09:00 AM to August 03, 2024 @ 10:00 PM
